Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wishlist: Dragon Age Inquisition

       It's been a while since I posted anything here, and the reason for that is I've recently got the Dragon Age series and have been playing through them.So I thought it only appropriate that I post something Dragon Age related, and with Gamescon going on it seemed appropriate to talk about what I want to see in the next game Dragon Age Inquisition, so here it goes.

1. Carry Over
       Dragon Age 2 made nods to the decisions made in Origins, but I want a bit more, I want my decisions to play a part in the main story, for instance if the Warden survived Origins as mine did, what happened to his child?  Also what happens now that I've overthrown the templars?  And those characters who end up dying in Dragon Age 2 need mention, will my Dalish Warden be angry with Hawke for killing his entire clan?  I dream is to have all the characters including Hawke and the Warden not only return, but join the group as party members.  Of course this is doubtful, but I can dream right?

2. No Cop Out Ending
       That's right, we're still angry about Mass Effect's ending.  Hopefully Bioware learned from this and is planning to fix it.  Even with the extended ending I felt robbed, all throughout the series I felt the choices I made meant something, especially when characters I saved in previous games came to my aid in 3.  Dragon Age 2 almost made this same mistake when you still had to kill both of the leaders you can side with, so I'm getting a bit worried.

3. Origins Style Character Creation
       This one has actually been announced already, but that doesn't change the fact I want it.  What I mean here is I want character creation (again, already confirmed), but I also want origin selection, I don't even have to play the origin (though that would be great since we already got it before), but they could do it Mass Effect style and you simply pick an origin that comes back later in a mission or two.  I also wouldn't mind playing as a Qunari...just saying.

4. Multiplayer
       Hear me out on this one.  Obviously in a game about choices you can't have both players making choices, but you can have one player helping out another, and then using that same character to play their own story, much like how Fable III did it.  Or how about this, with 2 different players, why not have both involved? maybe an NCP could dislike one player, yet be a friend to the other, plus games are just more enjoyable with a friend.

5. Companion Equipment
       Yet another thing that Origins had, yet lost for Dragon Age 2.  This is also another thing that was already announced, and even more exciting than I originally wanted, in Inquisition armor will be different from character to character to reflect their personality.  Dragon Age 2 was downright disappointing when compared to Origins.  In this particular instance All characters had fixed costumes that could be upgraded if the upgrades were bought/found.  This is stupid, and the armor can never be as effective as anything found for yourself.

6. Kinect Support
       For those who played Mass Effect 3, you know how great the voice support was by keeping you immersed in the game and out of the menu wheels during combat.  Since that was done by Bioware, this isn't much of a stretch to see, but if it isn't there then it will become one more thing for Bioware's fans to complain about.

7. More Specializations
       Yet another thing Origins did better than 2, are you sensing a pattern yet?  The more specializations, the more unique the characters are, but more than that, it gives more reason to select a class.  For example if in Dragon Age 2 you could be a pirate like Isabella, I may have had reason to be a rogue.  And if Arcane Warrior, than I would be even more unstoppable.

8. More Weapon Options
       Sword, Sword and Shield, giant sword...come on guys.  Give us a wider arsenal, I can deal with restrictions, just let me use a lot of different weapons, Dragon Age Origins had axes, swords, bows, crossbows, and staffs.  Dragon Age 2 added Daggers and Maces, but removed duel swords...which I liked.  I get a rogue cant use two-handed weapons, and a mage can't use non-magic items, but please don't lock us in based on class, or worse yet pull a Fable and remove everything.

       So there is my list of what I want for Dragon Age Inquisition, with this list most of the things I want have been done before, some in lesser games, so I don't think it's asking too much.  What do you guys think?  Feel free to leave a comment below.

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