Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 10: Science Fiction into Science Fact

       I'm not totally sure how to classify this post, but here it goes.  Over the years fiction has influenced real life almost as much as real life influences fiction.  However real world advancements seem to be far more rapid than there fictional counterparts, leading me to believe that in a few short years we may potentially laugh at science fiction epics such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Bladerunner, and Alien because they'll be outdated.  So here is a list of my top 10 science fiction contributions to the real world.  Sadly I can't actually rank these so there is no real order, just assume I like them all equally.

1) Tablet Computer

       The Tablet Computer is extremely common in today's world, and they are getting to the point where a regular computer is becoming obsolete.  However a little known fact is that they were in Sci-Fi as far back as the 1960s.  The image above is an example of one in Star Trek, this is one of those instances we can laugh at the horrible technology.  The series takes place almost 200 years from now, and when it first aired the technology was amazing.  Then in 2002 Bill Gates unveiled the first tablet computer, and nobody cared because the technology wasn't ready yet.  But in 2010 Steve Jobs announced the same idea, on a far more capable system and everyone went nuts for it.  Even more recently in 2012 Microsoft announced a tablet that used the same Operating System as their laptops/desktops.  Thus the shift is almost done and soon I believe all computers will be tablet sized.

2) Personal Communicator

       Another gift from Star Trek, and again it's laughable by today's standards.  The personal communication device became today's cell phone.  and in a few short years it went from unnecessary and useless to something we can't live without.  Cell phones today have become smartphones, and are capable of far more than anything imaginable when they first started out.

3) Robots

       Robots have been in fiction since the Iliad in ancient Greek literature.  Modern robots in reality are not quite on par with fictional greats like R2-D2, or Bishop, but they are improving.  Japan currently has robots that look human, and the military uses them for many tasks that will eventually make human soldiers obsolete.  In fact even planes have autopilot, and cars are being made by Google to do the same.  However today's are still clunky and as far as I've seen not really capable of fluid movement.  I feel in the next decade or two this will change, with personal robot servants possibly becoming a reality in my lifetime.

4) Artificial Intelligence

       This is a unique entry.  Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is worked on in bursts.  Today machines can do all sorts of things, including answer voice commands, but they haven't advanced as fast as other technologies today.  I think this may actually be because of Science Fiction always depicting AI a the downfall of humanity.  Either that or the fact that currently we are exploiting the commercial use of simple AI rather than making them complex.  So we are suffering because companies are too greedy to combine multiple AI systems.

5) Motion Control

       From the Eye Toy to the Kinect, Motion control is mostly associated with video games.  However this has practical applications as well.  Though to be honest I feel this one has almost reached its maximum potential.  I can't say much here because it is rather self explanatory.

6) Flat Screens

       Oh Flat screens, I remember a time when televisions were massive box like things that weighed way too damn much for their size, plus the largest you could get was maybe 50 inches.  Now we have screens that are over 70 inches that weigh maybe 5 pounds.  The televisions of today take up no space at all and can even be mounted onto walls like a picture frame.  They also are more affordable and far healthier to look at than the old CRT screens.  Though again, there isn't much more we can do with this technology, it could get a little thinner, but that's about it.

7) Virtual Reality

       I realize we are years from The Matrix, but we do have virtual reality in today's world.  For the most part it is used for video games, but it also has practical uses, such as training our military.  However I do want a matrix like interface before I die.  More specifically I want the ability to download knowledge and skills directly into my brain.  Though I would enjoy a fantasy world where I can do anything.  But to be honest with all the other items on this list I feel this one would end up becoming useless before it ever becomes useful.

8) Nanobots

       Nanobots are tiny microscopic machines that do a full range of tasks.  What I want here is for a machine army that can be inserted into the blood to regulate the body.  This means the end of disease, a cure for cancer, and repairing damaged tissue.  I don't want immortality, but a longer lifespan would be awesome, and even better would be a longer lifespan that included no disease or deterioration.  Today these are still in development, and nowhere near ready for what is wanted.  But we are on track for it to become a reality eventually.

9) Head Up Display

       The Heads Up Display, or HUD is common in video games, however it also appears in movies as well.  And now we are seeing it in real life.  For now its fairly basic, however the University of Washington is working on making it into a contact lens that can monitor all sorts of things.  Once this is done the technology basically peaks.  But imagine a GPS that you never had to look away from the road for, or a shopping list that that highlighted objects in a store for you.  These are simply a few practical uses.  Even though the technology is extremely basic, the possibilities are near endless.

10) Space Travel

       In 1912 Edgar Rice Burroughs created a world that led to the modern Science Fiction.  This is the first real time space travel appeared in fiction.  Sure looking back now how he managed it is ridiculous, but you have to remember at that time planes weren't even a real thing yet.  Fast forward to 2013 and we've been to the moon.  This is actually kinda sad if you think about it, we went to the moon almost 60 years ago, and that's as far as we got.  Making this quite possibly the slowest moving technology on the list.  We are decades if not even centuries away to the age of space exploration that is the staple of most science fiction.  Which is unfortunate because Lost in Space promised this would happen in the year 1997, and considering we surpassed everything else on the list by decades it feels kind of disappointing that the one thing we should of had almost 20 years ago is still the farthest from reality.

       Well that's my list.  I realize rockets, submarines, and cloning also came from science fiction, but this is my top 10, not all things inspired from science fiction.  If you have a comment or your favorite item didn't make the list, feel free to leave a comment below.



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